The aim of the program is to train a highly qualified specialist with the ability to fully and purposefully use in practice the theories and research methods relevant to the field of English Philology. The program provides the student with the ability to comprehend in-depth interdisciplinarity, to understand the exploratory potential and practical value of the theories relevant to the thinking spaces of linguistics and literature, cultural studies and sociology. More precisely, the goal of the program is to:
Develop: in-depth knowledge of the history of the English language and specificity of the dynamics of the English language, as well as the skills for critical analysis of the causes of the changes in the English language; in-depth knowledge of the essence of the mutual determination of language, culture, mental representations, and social behavior, scientific characteristics of paradigms and trends, as well as the skills for applying the principles of constructing the objects of the study of modern linguistics;
in-depth knowledge of the principles of the analysis of fiction, as well as the skills for interpreting fiction considering linguistic and sociocultural contexts, philosophical, aesthetic, political and social perspectives; knowledge of the specificity of the literary text processing, as well as the skills for analyzing texts based on the theoretical and methodological approaches of structuralism and cognitive linguistics;