The program aims to deliver latest knowledge in modern business administration and to prepare highly qualified, competitive, professional specialists in the major directions of business – management, marketing, finance and accounting. Upon completion of the program the student will develop basic entrepreneurial skills, will receive the knowledge and experience needed for lower and middle level managers for local and international markets. Graduates will have knowledge of general methods for evaluating strategic alternatives, developing competitive business strategies, organizing functional subsystems of management and optimizing business operations considering strategic, industrial, financial, administrative, international, social-psychological, cultural-ethical aspects of management and skills to identify business environmental factors, develop strategic plan for an organization evolving marketing strategies and implement it to achieve organization’s mission, set managerial plans and goals, select effective work force, participate in decision making process about planning operations based on predetermined directions; Graduates will consider responsibilities toward the community and state expressed as respect to the law and business ethics and readiness to establish these values to contribute to the development of the field. Graduates will also be able to disclose their professional interests and improve their knowledge at higher level of teaching.