Category: Life in Georgia

  • Free zones in Georgia: how do they differ from each other?

    Free zones in Georgia: how do they differ from each other?

    Avoid paying most taxes by registering a company in one of…

  • How to Register a Copyright in Georgia: Protect Yourself from Copycats

    How to Register a Copyright in Georgia: Protect Yourself from Copycats

    Simple and recognized in 180+ countries, obtain a valuable asset for…

  • 7 Surprising things you see only in Tbilisi

    7 Surprising things you see only in Tbilisi

    Collection of fun and surprising facts that I saw in everyday…

  • Affordable Georgia: Your guide to Tbilisi on a budget

    Affordable Georgia: Your guide to Tbilisi on a budget

    The expat, tourist, digital nomadโ€™s guide to Tbilisi: We help you…

  • What Does the Upcoming “Foreign Agent Law” Mean for You as a Foreigner in Georgia?

    What Does the Upcoming “Foreign Agent Law” Mean for You as a Foreigner in Georgia?

    This article outlines the key aspects of the law and clarifies…

  • Georgia Is the Best Place to Retire: Hereโ€™s Why

    Georgia Is the Best Place to Retire: Hereโ€™s Why

    This article will overview why you should consider Georgia as your…

  • Best Coworking Spaces in Tbilisi and Batumi

    Best Coworking Spaces in Tbilisi and Batumi

    In this article, we will review the best coworking spaces in…

  • Georgiaโ€™s Candidacy to EU: What will change?

    Georgiaโ€™s Candidacy to EU: What will change?

    On December 14, 2023 Georgia was granted an EU Candidate status.…

  • Immigration Guide to Georgia: Visas and Permits

    Immigration Guide to Georgia: Visas and Permits

    In this article we explain you everything you need to know…

  • Guide to Healthcare in Georgia

    Guide to Healthcare in Georgia

    How does healthcare operate in Georgia, what should you do in…

  • Georgia in 2025: Report on the Countryโ€™s Economy

    Georgia in 2025: Report on the Countryโ€™s Economy

    In 2025, Georgia ranks 21st out of all European countries in…

  • Why to study university in Georgia

    Why to study university in Georgia

    Georgia is considered an educational hub strategically located in the middle…